Gravpop tutorial

This is a library that allows you to perform a population analysis, ala Thrane et. al, but using a trick described in Hussain et. al that allows one to be able to probe population features even when they get very narrow, and get close to the edges of a bounded domain.

The trick essentially relies on dividing the parameter space into a sector (which we call the analytic sector \(\theta^a\)) where our population model is made out of some weighted sum of multivariate truncated normals - where we can analytically compute the population likelihood, and another where the model is general and we can compute it using the monte-carlo estimate of the population likelihood (we call this sector the sampled sector \(\theta^s\)).

This trick involves representing the posterior samples as a truncated gaussian mixture model (TGMM). See truncatedgaussianmixtures for a package that can fit a dataset to a mixture of truncated gaussians.


For this trick to work, we expect the data to be in a particular format. Given a dataset of \(E\) events each fitted to a TGMM using \(K\) components, we need the following to be able to do the analytic estimates of the likelihood integral.

  • For parameters that are in the sampled sector (e.g. mass, redshift) we desire \(N\) samples for every component to be able to do the monte-carlo estimates of the likelihood integral. For each parameter \(x\) we desire

    • \(E\times K \times N\) array called 'x', representing the value of parameter \(x\) in the sample

    • \(E\times K \times N\) array called 'prior', representing the prior evaluated on each of these samples

  • For parameters that are in the analytic sector (e.g. spin orientation, spin magnitude) for each parameter \(x\) we desire

    • \(E\times K\) array called 'x_mu_kernel', representing the location parameter of each TGMM component

    • \(E\times K\) array called 'x_sigma_kernel', representing the scale parameter of each TGMM component

    • \(E\times K\) array called 'x_rho_kernel', representing the corrleation parameter of each TGMM component with some other parameter (refer to the documentation of the generated data to infer which other coordinate this correlation correponds to).

    • \(E\times K\) array called 'weights', representing the weight of each TGMM component

Here is an example of the form of the data that gwpop uses:

{'mass_1_source' : [...],       # E x K x N Array
 'prior' : [...],               # E x K x N Array
 'chi_1_mu_kernel' : [...],     # E x K     Array
 'chi_1_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # E x K     Array
 'chi_2_mu_kernel' : [...],     # E x K     Array
 'chi_2_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # E x K     Array
 'chi_1_rho_kernel' : [...],    # E x K     Array
 'weights' : [...]              # E x K     Array

One can also load from a saved HDF5 dataproduct with the following format:

{'GW150914': {'mass_1_source' : [...],       # K x N Array
              'prior' : [...],               # K x N Array
              'chi_1_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
              'chi_1_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
              'chi_2_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
              'chi_2_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
              'chi_1_rho_kernel' : [...],    # K     Array
              'weights' : [...]              # K     Array
'GW190517' : ...

which is then internally converted upon loading

Creating Fits to Data

A quick example way to perform this fitting using the truncatedgaussianmixtures library, given we have posterior samples (with precomputed priors), is the following:

Lets first pull the event data. The load_hdf5_to_jax_dict utility will pull in an hdf5 file containing datasets in some nested structure, and provide a dictionary with all datasets in the form of a dictionary of jax arrays.

import pandas as pd
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from gravpop import load_hdf5_to_jax_dict

event_data = load_hdf5_to_jax_dict("/Users/asadh/Documents/GitHub/SpinMagnitudePopulationAnalysis/data/posterior_samples/all_event_samples.hdf5");

chi_1 chi_2 chirp_mass cos_tilt_1 cos_tilt_2 mass_1_source mass_ratio prior redshift
0 0.001930 0.097727 30.385015 0.648332 -0.889278 34.860180 0.846616 0.002376 0.088913
1 0.028095 0.041392 30.547218 -0.478594 -0.951041 34.373547 0.860291 0.003205 0.101225
2 0.225305 0.275129 31.643066 0.137109 0.303796 35.392544 0.852512 0.004326 0.113009
3 0.000255 0.453062 30.345112 0.380074 -0.241549 35.997993 0.765623 0.003989 0.108616
4 0.055366 0.084168 31.065317 -0.569629 -0.102006 34.082230 0.920346 0.002493 0.091574
5 0.618177 0.570168 30.133745 -0.140515 -0.041809 36.690060 0.734442 0.003609 0.103474
6 0.721023 0.114889 30.238930 -0.177807 -0.596842 40.232189 0.652075 0.001779 0.074039
7 0.002967 0.082386 31.107443 -0.801190 0.647356 36.535999 0.781811 0.003973 0.107783
8 0.026698 0.268805 30.639584 -0.344281 -0.528770 33.594978 0.893774 0.003713 0.108505
9 0.483900 0.414391 30.279470 0.298207 -0.782193 33.710155 0.855433 0.004422 0.116259

We can then fit the events we want to TGMMs. Note that the .dataproduct() method of the TGMM class provides the fitted data in the format that is required by gravpop.

from truncatedgaussianmixtures import fit_gmm, Transformation

example_events = ['GW150914', 'GW190517_055101']

a = [0,0,-6];
b = [1,1,2];

T1 = Transformation(
        ['chi_1', 'chi_2', 'redshift'],
        "(c1, c2, r) -> (c1, c2, log(r))",
        ['chi_1', 'chi_2', 'log_redshift'],
       "(c1, c2, r) -> (c1, c2, exp(r))",

dataset = {event: pd.DataFrame(data) for event,data in event_data.items() if event in example_events}
TGMMs = {}

for event, data in dataset.items():
    TGMMs[event] = fit_gmm(data, 15, a, b,
                          block_structure=[1,1,0], # This means that the first two parameters can be in the same
                                                  # correlation block
                         tol=1e-8, MAX_REPS=200, progress=True,
                         boundary_unbiasing={'structure' : [1,1,0], # Perform KDE unbiasing in the first two dimensions only
                                             'bandwidth_scale' : 1.0} # Scale up the bandwidth relative to silverman's rule
Detected Jupyter notebook. Loading juliacall extension. Set `PYSR_AUTOLOAD_EXTENSIONS=no` to disable.
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:42
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:38

We can now construct the data product we need:

dataproducts = {}

for event in example_events:
    dataproducts[event] = TGMMs[event].data_product(sampled_columns=['redshift'],
                                                   analytic_columns=['chi_1', 'chi_2'],
                                                   N=1000)       # Number of samples per component

variables = dataproducts[example_events[0]].keys()
event_data = {col : jnp.stack([dataproducts[event][col] for event in example_events], axis=0) for col in variables};

print("Event Data with shapes: ")
for key in event_data.keys():
    print(f"{key} : {event_data[key].shape}")
Event Data with shapes:
chi_1 : (2, 15, 1000)
chi_2 : (2, 15, 1000)
redshift : (2, 15, 1000)
prior : (2, 15, 1000)
chi_1_mu_kernel : (2, 15)
chi_1_sigma_kernel : (2, 15)
chi_1_rho_kernel : (2, 15)
chi_2_rho_kernel : (2, 15)
chi_2_mu_kernel : (2, 15)
chi_2_sigma_kernel : (2, 15)
weights : (2, 15)

we now have our data in the correct format.

Selection Injections

For injection sets the format we expect is:

{'mass_1_source' : [...],       # K x N Array
 'prior' : [...],               # K x N Array
 'chi_1_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
 'chi_1_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
 'chi_2_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
 'chi_2_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
 'chi_1_rho_kernel' : [...],    # K     Array
 'weights' : [...]              # K     Array

One can also load from a saved HDF5 dataproduct with the following format:

{'selection': {'mass_1_source' : [...],      # K x N Array
              'prior' : [...],               # K x N Array
              'chi_1_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
              'chi_1_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
              'chi_2_mu_kernel' : [...],     # K     Array
              'chi_2_sigma_kernel' : [...],  # K     Array
              'chi_1_rho_kernel' : [...],    # K     Array
              'weights' : [...]              # K     Array

where the 'selection' dataset has additional attributes analysis_time and total_generated. This file structure is then internally converted to the one at the top upon loading.


One can specify population models using a set of building block models. Each population model is defined as a distributions over some parameters \(\theta\), defined below by var_names, and some hyper-parameters \(\Lambda\), defined below by hyper_var_names. The generic intialization of a PopulationModel object is the following:

spin_pop_model = SomePopulationModel(var_names = ['chi_1', 'chi_2'],
                                    hyper_var_names = ['mu_chi_1', 'sigma_chi_1',
                                                       'mu_chi_2', 'sigma_chi_2'],

and one can call these population models using the following generic call:

params = {'mu_chi_1' : 0.1, 'sigma_chi_1' : 0.1,
          'mu_chi_2' : 0.1, 'sigma_chi_2' : 0.1}

spin_pop_model(data, params)

where data is the same dictionary we defined in the section on data.

Models are strictly of two types. Sampled models, and Analytic models.

  • Sampled models will simply evaluate the population model on all the samples in a TGMM component.

    • SampledModel(data = {sampled_var : E x K x N array, ...}, params) -> E x K x N array

  • Analytic models will evaluate the integral of the population model with the TGMM component in that sector.

    • AnalyticModel(data = {analytic_var_mu_kernel : E x K array, ...}, params) -> E x K array

    • These models often have a method called .evaluate(data, params), which simply evaluates the model on the samples similar to the Sampled model case

    • Currently the ony such models are some subset of truncated 2D multivarate normal distributions, uniform distributions, and mixtures thereof.

Analytic Models

For analytic models, the building blocks are essentially

  • 1D truncated normals \(N_{[0,1]}(x | \mu, \sigma)\)

  • 2D truncated normals \(N_{[0,1]}(x, y | \mu_x, \sigma_x, \mu_y, \sigma_y, \rho)\)

  • Uniform distributions \(U(x | a, b)\)

and can be initialized like:

import gravpop as gpop
from gravpop import TruncatedGaussian1DAnalytic, TruncatedGaussian2DAnalytic, Uniform1DAnalytic

TG1D = TruncatedGaussian1DAnalytic(a = 0, b = 1,          # Limits of the truncated normal
                                 hyper_var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

TG2D = TruncatedGaussian2DAnalytic(a = [0,0], b = [1,1],          # Limits of the truncated normal
                                 var_names=['x', 'y'],
                                 hyper_var_names=['mu_x', 'sigma_x',
                                                  'mu_y', 'sigma_y',

U = Uniform1DAnalytic(a=0, b=1,

We can combine these building blocks however we like. Using the following operations:

  • ProductModel([model1, model2, ...]) : tensor product of multiple models

  • Mixture2D(model1, model2, mixture_hypervar_name) : create a mixture of 2 models in 2D space

  • Mixture1D(model1, model2, mixture_hypervar_name) : create a mixture of 2 models in 1D space

  • FixedParameters(model, {variable_name : value, ...}) : takes a model and fixes some of the parameters to a fixed value

For example lets create an analytic spin model:

\[p(\chi_1, \chi_2) = \eta N_{[0,1]}(\chi_1 | \mu_1, \sigma_1) N_{[0,1]}(\chi_1 | \mu_2 = 0, \sigma_2) + (1-\eta)\]
from gravpop import ProductModel, Mixture2D, FixedParameters

## Sub-population 1
TG1 = TruncatedGaussian1DAnalytic(a = 0, b = 1,          # Limits of the truncated normal
                                  hyper_var_names=['mu_1', 'sigma_1'])

TG2 = TruncatedGaussian1DAnalytic(a = 0, b = 1,          # Limits of the truncated normal
                                  hyper_var_names=['mu_2', 'sigma_2'])

TG2_fixed_mu = FixedParameters(TG2, {'mu_2' : 0.0})

TG2D = ProductModel([TG1, TG2_fixed_mu])

## Sub-population 2
U1 = Uniform1DAnalytic(a = 0, b = 1, var_names=['chi_1'])
U2 = Uniform1DAnalytic(a = 0, b = 1, var_names=['chi_2'])
U2D = ProductModel([U1, U2])

## Combine population model
spin_model = Mixture2D(TG2D, U2D, "eta")

One can then evaluate this spin model on some set parameters

params = {'mu_1' : 0.1, 'sigma_1' : 0.3,
          'sigma_2' : 0.1, 'eta' : 0.5} # No 'mu_2' since that is fixed

spin_model(event_data, params) # E x K array
Array([[1.0847163 , 0.8979634 , 0.74254215, 0.91504437, 0.8520578 ,
        1.6162018 , 0.8624244 , 0.9970297 , 0.83357495, 1.1137404 ,
        1.3483851 , 0.8516542 , 1.1989837 , 2.4569511 , 0.9972198 ],
       [0.550054  , 0.5194446 , 0.545067  , 0.5287251 , 0.5653681 ,
        0.59392554, 0.5459557 , 0.5379501 , 0.546056  , 0.53605664,
        0.51603144, 0.5286484 , 0.54004896, 0.5150053 , 0.51524615]],      dtype=float32)

Sampled Models

Sampled models can be similarly combined. Some common sampled models used in analysis of LVK events are:

  • PowerLawPlusPeak mass model, known in this package as SmoothedTwoComponentPrimaryMassRatio

  • PowerLaw redshift modell, known in this package as PowerLawRedshift

Making Custom models

Custom models can be made. We use duck-typing, so any class you create that has the following methods/properties should just work:


  • .__call__(data={var1 : E x K x N array, ...}, params) -> E x K x N array, or an E x K array in the case of an analytic model

  • .limits gives a dictionary of limits for each variable (e.g. {'chi_1' : [0,1], chi_2' : [0,1]})


  • .sample(df_hyper_parameters, oversample=1) will sample variables from the population model, given a dataframe of hyperparameters df_hyper_parameters. oversample will simply perform this operation oversample number of times and concatenate the result.

Population Likelihood

The main object that will allow us to perform this analysis, is the HybridPopulationLikelihood object. We can construct it directly, or load data from a file.

For example, lets perform a population analysis over (\(\chi_1\), \(\chi_2\), \(z\)). We will use the PowerLawRedshift model for \(z\), and the spin_model we defined before for the component spins:

\[p(\chi_1, \chi_2) = \eta N_{[0,1]}(\chi_1 | \mu_1, \sigma_1) N_{[0,1]}(\chi_1 | \mu_2 = 0, \sigma_2) + (1-\eta)\]

which will be handled analytically (since we created a model using the analytic primitives).

We will use the dataset of two events we fit TGMMs to before, and no selection effects.

from gravpop import HybridPopulationLikelihood
from gravpop import PowerLawRedshift

redshift_model = PowerLawRedshift(var_names=['redshift'], hyper_var_names=['lamb'])

HL = HybridPopulationLikelihood(
        event_data = event_data,
        event_names = example_events,
No selection function provided

We can compute the loglikelihood for some hyper-parameters, and also confirm by computing the derivative that there are no nan derivatives.

The method for computing the log likelihood is logpdf(params) where params is a dictionary of hyper-parameter : value pairs.

params = {'mu_1' : 0.1, 'sigma_1' : 0.3,
          'sigma_2' : 0.1, 'eta' : 0.5,
          'lamb' : 2.9}

Array(-3.0299485, dtype=float32)

All our models are auto-diff-able, so we can compute the gradient of the logpdf as below:

import jax

jax.jacrev(lambda x: HL.logpdf(x))(params)
{'eta': Array(-1.3198029, dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
 'lamb': Array(-1.8767387, dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
 'mu_1': Array(0.18516624, dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
 'sigma_1': Array(0.6543136, dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
 'sigma_2': Array(-0.05872979, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)}

One can also load up the event and selection function data from a file:

import gravpop as gpop

HL = gpop.HybridPopulationLikelihood.from_file(


Now that we have our population likelihood set up, we can begin defining our hyper priors and sampling from the population model.

For the priors we expect a dictionary of numpyro distributions

import numpyro.distributions as dist

priors = {
    'mu_1' : dist.Uniform(0,1),
    'sigma_1' : dist.Uniform(0,1),
    'sigma_2' : dist.Uniform(0,1),
    'eta' : dist.Uniform(0,1),
    'lamb' : dist.Uniform(0,1)

Then, we can construct a Sampler object and put in our settings.

from gravpop import Sampler

samp = Sampler(priors=priors,
               likelihood = HL,
               num_samples=1000, num_warmup=500);

and we can begin sampling

sample: 100%|█████████████████████████████████| 1500/1500 [03:35<00:00,  6.95it/s, 7 steps of size 5.01e-01. acc. prob=0.83]

                mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
       eta      0.82      0.11      0.83      0.66      1.00    608.09      1.00
      lamb      0.20      0.19      0.15      0.00      0.47    559.06      1.00
      mu_1      0.15      0.09      0.15      0.00      0.27    409.37      1.00
   sigma_1      0.16      0.11      0.15      0.00      0.29    583.60      1.00
   sigma_2      0.12      0.11      0.09      0.00      0.24    776.21      1.00

Number of divergences: 0

we can see the dataframe holding the hyper-posterior samples in:

eta lamb mu_1 sigma_1 sigma_2
0 0.476112 0.071545 0.090596 0.105491 0.077657
1 0.460751 0.095909 0.048131 0.113161 0.130583
2 0.592883 0.289967 0.315391 0.284772 0.199418
3 0.978045 0.010133 0.082620 0.111385 0.073198
4 0.975931 0.428702 0.117799 0.270596 0.155701
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 0.790344 0.017701 0.017430 0.074497 0.001218
996 0.641068 0.332459 0.011991 0.334153 0.004681
997 0.863573 0.144214 0.000969 0.113832 0.059052
998 0.765053 0.170739 0.008454 0.110767 0.134668
999 0.837497 0.067079 0.225776 0.166493 0.009897

1000 rows × 5 columns

and here is a corner plot of our result

import pairplots

                  labels={'mu_1' : pairplots.latex(r'\mu_1'),
                          'sigma_1' : pairplots.latex(r'\sigma_1'),
                          'sigma_2' : pairplots.latex(r'\sigma_2'),
                          'eta' : pairplots.latex(r'\eta'),
                          'lamb' : pairplots.latex(r'\lambda')})