quicksampler.samplers package
quicksampler.samplers.DomainChanger module
- class quicksampler.samplers.DomainChanger.DomainChanger(ranges, backend='numpy', epsilon=1e-05)[source]
A class for transforming variables between different bounded domains using the Logistic Transformation.
If one wants to transform points using a logistic transformation from a closed interval \([a,b]\) to \((-\infty, +\infty)\). The transformation is defined as:
\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} f &: [a,b] \to (-\infty, \infty) \\ f(x) &= \log\left(\frac{\frac{x-a}{b-a}}{1 - \frac{x-a}{b-a}}\right) \\ f^{-1}(y) &= \frac{b-a}{1+e^{-y}} + a \end{align*}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
ranges (dict) – A dictionary specifying the variable ranges, where keys represent variable names and values can be either ‘infinite’ for unbounded variables or a list
[a, b]
representing the closed interval :obj`[a, b]`.backend (str, optional) – The backend for computation (‘JAX’ or ‘numpy’). Defaults to ‘numpy’.
epsilon (float, optional) – A small value for numerical stability, defaults to 1e-5.
- compute_transforms()[source]
Compute the transformations and inverse transformations for each variable range.
- inverse_log_jacobian(x)[source]
Compute the sum of the logarithm of Jacobian determinants for each variable.
- Parameters:
x (dict) – A dictionary containing variable names as keys and their corresponding transformed values.
- Returns:
log_det – The sum of the logarithm of Jacobian determinants.
- Return type:
- inverse_transform(x, suffix='')[source]
Inverse transform variables in the given dictionary from the infinite domain.
- Parameters:
x (dict) – A dictionary containing variable names as keys and their corresponding transformed values.
suffix (str, optional) – A suffix to append to the original variable names. Defaults to an empty string.
- Returns:
new_x – A dictionary containing inverse transformed variables with original names.
- Return type:
- inverse_transform_from_infinite_from_range(x, ranges)[source]
Inverse transform variables from (-∞, +∞) to a specified range.
- Parameters:
x (float or array-like) – The input variable(s) in the infinite domain.
ranges (str or list) – The specified variable range.
- Returns:
transformed_x – The inverse-transformed variable(s).
- Return type:
float or array-like
- logprob_wrapped(logprob_func)[source]
Create a wrapped likelihood function that includes the inverse log Jacobian term.
- Parameters:
logprob_func (function) – A log probability function that takes a dictionary of variables as input.
- Returns:
likelihood_func – A wrapped likelihood function that includes the inverse log Jacobian term.
- Return type:
- transform(x, suffix='')[source]
Transform variables in the given dictionary to the infinite domain.
- Parameters:
x (dict) – A dictionary containing variable names as keys and their corresponding values.
suffix (str, optional) – A suffix to append to the transformed variable names. Defaults to an empty string.
- Returns:
new_x – A dictionary containing transformed variables with updated names.
- Return type:
- transform_to_infinite_from_range(x, ranges)[source]
Transform variables from a specified range to (-∞, +∞).
- Parameters:
x (float or array-like) – The input variable(s) to be transformed.
ranges (str or list) – The specified variable range.
- Returns:
transformed_x – The transformed variable(s).
- Return type:
float or array-like
- class quicksampler.samplers.DomainChanger.LogisticTransform(backend, epsilon=1e-05)[source]
Implementation of the Logistic Transformation between spaces
If one wants to transform points using a logistic transformation from a closed interval \([a,b]\) to \((-\infty, +\infty)\). The transformation is defined as:
\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} f &: [a,b] \to (-\infty, \infty) \\ f(x) &= \log\left(\frac{\frac{x-a}{b-a}}{1 - \frac{x-a}{b-a}}\right) \\ f^{-1}(y) &= \frac{b-a}{1+e^{-y}} + a \end{align*}\end{split}\]- epsilon
Any input within \(\epsilon\) of \([a,b]\) will be clipped onto the value of the transformation at \(f(a + \epsilon)\) or \(f(b - \epsilon)\)
- Type:
, default = 1e-5
- backend
Will compute the transformation for JAX arrays if
and compute it for numpy arrays if'numpy'
- Type:
, optional
- inverse_transform_from_infinite(y, a, b)[source]
Inverse transforms from \((-\infty, +\infty)\) to \([a,b]\)
- Parameters:
y (
from either JAX or numpy) – The points in the infinite domain to be transformed back.a (
from either JAX or numpy) – The lower end of the bounded domainb (
from either JAX or numpy) – The upper end of the bounded domain
- Returns:
x – The transformed points back into the closed interval [a, b].
- Return type:
of size and type similar to y
- log_jacobian_determinant(variable_range, y)[source]
Compute the logarithm of the Jacobian determinant of the transformation.
- Parameters:
variable_range (str or list) – If a string, should be ‘infinite’ or a domain range represented as [a, b]. If a list, it represents the domain range [a, b].
y (
from either JAX or numpy) – The points in the infinite domain.
- Returns:
log_det – The logarithm of the Jacobian determinant of the transformation.
- Return type:
- transform_to_infinite(x, a, b)[source]
Transforms from \([a,b]\) to \((-\infty, +\infty)\)
- Parameters:
x (
of from either JAX or numpy) – The points to be transformeda (
of from either JAX or numpy) – The lower end of the bounded domainb (
of from either JAX or numpy) – The upper end of the bounded domain
- Returns:
y – The transformed points that now live in the infinite domain
- Return type:
of size and type similar to x
quicksampler.samplers.MHSampler module
- class quicksampler.samplers.MHSampler.AbstractProposal(step_size, backend='numpy', rng_key=None)[source]
Abstract proposal for generating new states based on the current state.
This class serves as a base for specific proposal distributions. It defines the common functionality and interface for proposing new values for variables in the state dictionary.
- Parameters:
step_size (float) – The step size for the proposal.
backend (str, optional) – The backend for computation (‘numpy’ or ‘JAX’), defaults to ‘numpy’.
rng_key (array, optional) – The random number generator key, defaults to None.
- class quicksampler.samplers.MHSampler.MHSampler(likelihood, init_position, step_size=1, limits=None, rng_key=None, backend='numpy')[source]
Metropolis-Hastings sampler for generating samples from a distribution.
This class implements the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for generating samples from a target distribution specified by a likelihood function. It works with both ‘numpy’ and ‘JAX’ backends.
Samplers will accept an object with a logpdf method like the following:
- Parameters:
likelihood (object) – The likelihood object representing the target distribution.
init_position (dict) – The initial position in the state space.
step_size (float, optional) – The step size for the Metropolis-Hastings proposal, defaults to 1.
limits (dict, optional) – The limits for variables in the state space, defaults to None.
rng_key (array, optional) – The random number generator key, defaults to None.
backend (str, optional) – The backend for computation (‘numpy’ or ‘JAX’), defaults to ‘numpy’.
- accept_reject(p_accept)[source]
Accept or reject a proposed state based on the acceptance probability.
- Parameters:
p_accept (float) – The probability of accepting the proposed state.
- Returns:
True if the proposed state is accepted, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- property result
Get the result of the sampler in a dictionary format.
- Returns:
The result of the sampler in a dictionary format.
- Return type:
- run(n_steps=1000, max_rejects=10000)[source]
Run the Metropolis-Hastings sampler for a specified number of steps.
- Parameters:
n_steps (int, optional) – The number of Metropolis-Hastings steps to run, defaults to 1000.
max_rejects (int, optional) – The maximum number of rejections before raising an error, defaults to MAX_REJECTS_DEFAULT.
- Returns:
The result of the sampler in a dictionary format.
- Return type:
- step(x, max_rejects=10000)[source]
Perform a single Metropolis-Hastings step to generate a new state.
- Parameters:
x (dict) – The current state.
max_rejects (int, optional) – The maximum number of rejections before raising an error, defaults to 10000.
- Returns:
The new proposed state.
- Return type:
- class quicksampler.samplers.MHSampler.SphericalGaussianProposal(step_size, backend='numpy', rng_key=None)[source]
Spherical Gaussian proposal for generating new states.
This class defines a proposal distribution where the next step is sampled from a spherical Gaussian distribution with a specified step size.
- Parameters:
step_size (float) – The step size for the proposal.
backend (str, optional) – The backend for computation (‘numpy’ or ‘JAX’), defaults to ‘numpy’.
rng_key (array, optional) – The random number generator key, defaults to None.
- next_step(key, value)[source]
Compute the next proposed value for any variable inside the state dictionary x.
Within the state dictionary x (e.g., x = {‘mu’: [0.1, 0.2], ‘kappa’: 0.3}), each state variable (the key) has a value that parameterizes its current state. This function will take in a value and compute the change in position needed to go to the next step in the proposal.
>>> x = {'mu': np.array([0.1, 0.2]), 'kappa': 0.3} >>> SphericalGaussianProposal(step_size=0.1) >>> SphericalGaussianProposal.next_step('mu', x['mu']) # random normal proposal with the right shape.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The variable key.
value (float, array-like) – The current value of the variable.
- Returns:
The next proposed value for the variable.
- Return type:
- quicksampler.samplers.MHSampler.convert_to_jax_array(dictionary)[source]
Convert selected values in a dictionary to JAX arrays.
- Parameters:
dictionary (dict) – The input dictionary containing values to be converted.
- Returns:
A new dictionary with selected values converted to JAX arrays.
- Return type:
quicksampler.samplers.NUTS module
- class quicksampler.samplers.NUTS.NUTS(likelihood, init_position, limits=None, step_size=0.001, inverse_mass_matrix=None, rng_key=None, warmup_steps=100)[source]
Solves a problem specified by a likelihood object using the NUTS sampler.
- inference_loop(num_samples, sample_key=None)[source]
Perform the inference loop to obtain samples from the NUTS sampler.
- Parameters:
num_samples (int) – The number of samples to generate.
sample_key (array, optional) – The random number generator key for sampling, defaults to None.
- Returns:
A list of states generated by the sampler.
- Return type:
- property result
Get the result of the sampler.
- Returns:
result – A dictionary containing the sampled positions.
- Return type:
- quicksampler.samplers.NUTS.convert_to_jax_array(dictionary)[source]
Convert selected values in a dictionary to JAX arrays.
- Parameters:
dictionary (dict) – The input dictionary containing values to be converted.
- Returns:
A new dictionary with selected values converted to JAX arrays.
- Return type: